Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Not too bad...

I haven't posted in my blog for about a week. I've been too busy. A friend of mine flew into town to surprise me for my 30th birthday. I was so shocked and happy to see her. She stayed from Friday until Wednesday. Then on Friday, I flew out to visit her. :) During that whole time I wasn't eating my normal healthy diet. I was eating a lot of sweets and going out to a lot of restaurants. However, I was able to watch my portions and I never overate. In the past I would eat until I was bursting. This time, I was more conscious of when I was full and I made sure I stopped eating... no matter how tasty my food was. :) That's a big thing for me. In the past, I always seemed to have trouble stopping!

The best part of all this was what I saw on the scale this morning. I was actually DOWN 0.2 pounds. Which isn't a lot.. but when you consider my diet for the last week, that is amazing! It definitely helps me stay more focused. I am going to lose this weight! I can do it. AND I can eat treats every once in a while and I know that I'll be able to control myself. Control is a big thing for me! I'm definitely making steps in the right direction this time. :)

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